Thursday 4 January 2007

Heidi Talks About New Baby

How can one woman be so lucky? Not only does Heidi Klum have great looks, a hit show and a hot husband, but even the birth of her third child was, she says, "easy."

On the morning of Nov. 22, Klum, 33, felt her first contraction. She and Seal, 43, headed for a Los Angeles hospital, and by that afternoon she'd had her baby. Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel arrived weighing 8 lbs., 11 oz. – and bringing delight to brother Henry, 1, and sister Leni, 2. "Everyone had the biggest smiles on their faces once Johan arrived,".

And the big siblings are "so helpful," Klum says. "Leni helps us sing lullabies when Johan has trouble falling asleep." Having three kids younger than 3 keeps Klum and Seal, who wed in Mexico in 2005, on their toes. "It's never boring or quiet in our home," she says, "but we are truly blessed to have three healthy children." She adds: "We love that they will grow up close in age," she adds. "This is what Seal and I have always wanted: a home filled with children's laughter."

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