Friday 1 January 2010

Happy New Year, Babies!!!


Oh, my darling readers...I wish you the most peaceful, loving and prosperous 2010. You have made my life so much richer by being loyal and wonderful.

Here are some photos from last night's AMAZING party with The Boys, Tim and James from SUGARDADDY'S. If you follow me on Facebook, you can find more pictures. (If anyone is interested, my dress is from -- and I LOVE it.)

I do want to pass on another fantastic blog called Crazy Days and Nights right now. Every New Year's Day, "Enty" (short for Entertainment Attorney--because that's what he is...) reveals a TON of Blind Items. Here's his website: Crazy Days and Nights. 

Just click and find out the big fat secrets...

Here's what I'd like from YOU. Photos of your New Year's. Whether you stayed home and watched Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin on CNN or watched fireworks in Sydney, Australia--I want it ALL.

Another quick note, within the next few days, I'll be moving to . 

This is SUPER exciting and will be great for everyone!  I'll keep you posted...

I love you all and again, HAPPY NEW YEAR, Y'ALL!!!!

Oh, and p.s. I realize Patrick and I are camera hogs. No need to tell me.


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