Sunday 19 July 2009


Hey Divas!

We are sooooo glad that one of your favorite "Video Vixens" who has an amazing video & magazine portfolio to prove it "Angel Lola Lov" (By the way we love your new look Amazing) speak on on the Shananicans of "Karrine Steffans" or as the industry knows her as "Super Head" Who in our opinion gives "ALL WOMEN" a bad name it's one thing to do what you do (Your Life) but to try to bring others down in the process is another! 1st you write a misguided book (How to be a whore manual & blame society) then you try to go to speak to the youth about it and clearly lie about how truly trifling you are (Come On We All Saw You Girl!)

Anywho! As if that wasn't enough you got the nerve to release a manual to teach other young women to become just as trifling as you are! Shame On You! Have you no class? (Obviously NOT!) But you will stop at nothing will you?(I guess selling your soul does come at a price for you girl doesn't it?) Well, Karrine remember one thing love and that is you have a son and time is approaching because we can't say young forever. Think about this when you get old and your lower extremities is hanging like grapenuts and NO man/woman has respects for you on this planet take a GOOD LOOK in the mirror and see just who done this to you.

Angel we commend you on speaking out in a classy fashion and telling it like it T-I IS!!!


Karrines Reply Via "The Source Magazine" Actual story "Here"

Karrine Steffans Brushes Off Angel Lola Luv Swipe, “I Don’t Even Know Who She Is”

Former XXL Eye Candy of the Year, Angel Lola Luv recently shared her thoughts about ex-rap video vixen Karrine Steffans on her blog for

In the post Luv accuses Steffans, whom she refers to by “Superhead,” of giving video girls a bad name. “There are a lot of different reasons why I could never ride with the choices that ‘Superhead” made,” Luv wrote. “I feel as though she played a major part in people really believing that all video vixens are just like her. Which is TOTALLY wrong! There is a difference between a ‘Video Vixen/Model’ and a ‘Video Hoe/Groupie.’ From the way they conduct themselves, their mentality and of course their agenda! The perceptions that people have of me and most video models are the total opposite of reality.”

Luv goes on to say that because of Steffans’s books - The New York Times best sellers Confessions of a Video Vixen and The Vixen Diaries – many models in the hop-hop industry get stereotyped as promiscuous. “I never went down the same path Superhead did,” she said. “I hold my head up high when I walk because I never had to sleep with anyone to get this far. So when people claim I slept with this person and that person all I can say is check my record. I get my respect in the industry because no one can say they dealt with me beyond a friendship or associate level except one person. Period! There are a lot of video vixens that haven’t either but because of Superhead people think other wise.” recently caught up with Steffans to get her response to Luv’s charges. “I don’t respond to that,” she said. “I don’t even know who she is, but she knows who I am. That means I’m famous and she’s not. So automatically, we don’t have to discuss her. We just go back to talking about me because I’m the only famous person in this sentence. That’s that.” (Really? What video was she last in ........? Also who has said anything bout her besides her world re-known vacuum cleaner skills? *Poof Begone!*

Steffans will be releasing her new book The Vixen Manual: How To Find, Seduce, & Keep The Man You Want this Monday (July 13). –Elan Mancini with reporting by Kamaria Gboro <- We Urge All Our Readers to NOT SUPPORT her in anymore of her future endeavors we know that we like to supports the sisters but she is obviously NOT one of us shes out for herself and this foolishness NEEDS TO STOP!

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