Saturday 18 July 2009


TC - Whats is your background and ethnicity?

KK - I was born in Canada, and my background is Jamaican, French Canadian and Greek

TC - Where are you located now?

KK - I am presently residing in Ottawa, Ontario

TC - What part of your body do you like the most?

KK - I like my breast! Not too much, not too little, just enough haha

TC - What part do you recieve the most compliments on?

KK - No part of me really, I usually just get complimented on being beautiful inside

and out. And believe me, that’s more important then having someone compliment

me on a certain body part.

TC - What would you like to enhance, would want to change?

KK - Hmmm. I’d like to have a little more booty, lol. And sometimes I consider

having more juicy looking lips. But I accept both of them as is.

TC - Whats your measurements?

KK - HYMM Let's just say I'm think in all the right places(smile)

TC - What magazines, publications or videos have you been in?

KK - I haven’t been in many videos. I’ve appeared in two video’s but you can barely

see me so it’s no worth mentioning but I've done car shows, fashion shows that

sort of thing. I also won the VP Records Model search in Toronto in 2005.

TC - What was your favorite photo shoot? When I was younger, I took a picture with KK - a real adult Tiger. It was amazing and I wish I could do it again.

TC - What or who inspired you to pursue modeling?

KK - Nobody inspired me to pursue it. I just love to take pictures. But if you’d ask

me who I look up to as a successful model, I’d have to say Tyra Banks. Hands


TC - How long have you been modeling?

KK - I started out by being a car model, and I believe that was in 2002.

TC - What celebrities have you met in your modeling career?

KK - I’ve met Beenie Man, Ray Robinson, Ottawa’s own Keisha Chante. Black Eyed Peas,

Tyra Banks, Janice Dickinson, Dr. Keith Ablow,

TC - What photographer, video director or model would you love to work with?

KK - Well I’ve been watching America’s Top Model for a while now, and I love the

phototgraphy work of Jen Ben Simon. I believe that Tyra has captured some

pointers from him and I’d also love for her, Jay Emmanuel or Janice Dickinson

to take my photograph.

YC - What photographer, entertainer or model did you enjoy working with?

KK - I haven’t had that opportunity yet, but hopefully when I do, It will be with a

very respectable and known person.

TC - After a hard days work what gets you in the mood?

KK - A glass of wine, some chocolate and anything that has to do with the outdoors.

I love to relax with nature.

TC - Are you single?

KK - Yes

TC - What type of modeling work would you say is in "Good Taste"?

KK - Anything that is tasteful and decent and professional while working with a

respectable person (photographer, artist etc…) As long as they respect me in


TC - What type of work would you say that’s in "Bad Taste"?

KK - Anything that is too scandalous without professionalism

TC - Are you available for hire? And if so how do a person contact you for work?

KK - You can send me a message at

TC - What type of work are you looking for?

KK - I'm available for Trade Shows, Print, Commercial, Music Videos, Runway,

Promotional Campaigns, Celebrity Events, High fashion events things of that


TC - What type of work is a direct no?

KK - Pornography and frontal nudity

TC - When will be available for the cover of our magazine?

KK - Just contact me!

The Staff Of Tasters Choice says special shouts to Kay Kay who may be a new model but a even bigger sweetheart! We recommend this model highly very professional and hard working!

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