Friday 28 August 2009

DJ AM Found Dead in NYC

Holy shit. This isn't funny anymore and it's not cool, man. DJ AM was found dead this evening in New York City. He was 36. Good Lord. For those of you who aren't sure who he was, he was a fantastic DJ, who played parties and events, was engaged to Nicole Ritchie at one point and was generally very well respected for what he did.

via TMZ:

"Sources tell us he was found in his apartment at around 5:20 PM. We're told drug paraphernalia was found at the scene.

Our sources say DJ AM had not been seen or heard from for a few days -- one of his friends went to check on him, but got no response after knocking on his apartment door.

We're told the friend called the cops -- but it was the fire department who finally entered his apartment and found the body.

Back in September of 2008, DJ AM and Travis Barker survived a plane crash in South Carolina. Four people died in the crash -- which was caused when the airplane aborted takeoff and then ran off the runway. DJ AM and Barker were the only survivors."

There are whispers of drugs being involved (the mention of paraphernalia being found), but we won't know that for a good while. I've heard of people dealing with "survivor's guilt" after living through something as horrific as he and Travis just don't know what's going on in someone's head, do you?

DJ AM's last Tweet on Twitter was:

"New york, new york. Big city of dreams, but everything in new york aint always what it seems."

Oh dear.

Rest in peace, Adam.

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