Thursday 27 August 2009

Madonna Loves the Gypsies!

Oh Madonna. Way to piss off the Romanians. Honestly. Madonna has been living in her own 5-star hotel of a life for so long that she just has no sense of reality. None.

"While onstage, the Material Girl told her views on discrimination in Eastern Europe, where anti-Gypsy (or Roma as they’re known there) behavior is common.

During the concert, Madge told 60,000 concertgoers her thoughts about how discrimination made her “very sad, especially because we don’t believe in discrimination against anyone.”

Despite the poor reaction, Madonna continued on - hoping to try and get through to the crowd, saying,”We believe in equal rights for everyone, right? Gypsies, homosexuals, people who are different; everyone is equal and should be treated with respect, OK? Let’s not forget that.”

While I appreciate Madonna's "can't we all just get along" sentiment, I wasn't confronted by gangs of homosexuals trying to steal my purse while in was a gang of gypsies. What a ridiculous comparison she's making.

I'm offended on behalf of my Gays.

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