Wednesday 26 August 2009

Dominick Dunne Passed Away Today. Sigh.

Dominick Dunne

I feel quite sad about the passing of Dominick Dunne. He was a prolific best-selling author and special correspondent for Vanity Fair Magazine. He died of bladder cancer today at his home in Manhattan.

Mr. Dunne was someone I could listen to for hours on end. His delivery and passion when reporting on the sensational trials of O.J. Simpson, the Menendez brothers, Phil Spector, William Kennedy Smith were riveting. Sadly, that passion flowed from the tragic murder of his own daughter, then watching her killer go free. It's well-known what an active advocate for victim's rights Mr. Dunne had been during the years after his daughter's death.

It's been insinuated that Mr. Dunne was a bit of a name-dropper when speaking or could he not have been, given his circle of friends? It was part of the charm of his writing. I admired how Mr. Dunne wasn't afraid of anyone...even the Kennedy family. (Coincidentally, Ted Kennedy died today as well.) I have a feeling Mr. Dunne may be smirking about the timing of today's events.

Vanity Fair just won't be the same without Dominick Dunne.

Rest in peace, Mr. Dunne. You will be missed.

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