Wednesday 18 November 2009

Evan Chandler, father of Jordy Chandler, Michael Jackson's accuser commits suicide.

 Evan Chandler, dead at 65

Ewwww. Now this, you  guys. Sigh. Just read it for yourselves. I can't. I just can't.

via MirrorCo.UK:

"Slumped on his bed with a single bullet wound to the head, Evan Chandler was barely recognisable as the prominent Beverly Hills citizen he had once been.

The 65-year-old dentist who accused Michael Jackson of molesting his young son killed himself in his waterfront flat.

Police said he was still holding the .38-calibre revolver when his body was found on November 5.

And as details of his death were released this week, it emerged his face had been mutilated by a string of cosmetic procedures.

He was also known to regularly use botox and cosmetic fillers in an obsessive DIY bid to enhance his fading looks.

Neighbours say Chandler became a recluse in his last years, shutting himself inside the 16th-floor flat.

Police found five different prescription drugs in the apartment but was no suicide note. What’s clear is Chandler died a broken man, gravely ill and estranged from his family.

A relative said: “Evan began to develop tremendous mood swings. He was always depressed. He stopped coming to family events because he was afraid of being recognised. That turned into permanent estrangement.

The tragedy is that Chandler’s suicide  can be directly linked to the allegations he fired at the King of Pop. Once a  handsome, high-flying professional, Chandler saw his life turned upside down by his son Jordy’s claims against Jackson.

In 1993, Chandler reported Jackson to the authorities, claiming the singer molested 13-year-old Jordy. A grand jury was convened to look into the charges.

Chandler claimed he became concerned about the star’s relationship with his son after a number of creepy sleepovers and tried to get an order stopping Jackson from seeing Jordy. He blamed ex-wife June for letting their son visit Jacko in return for gifts and holidays."

So, now what? I don't even know where to go with this now. Did he do this because he felt guilty? And guilty for what exactly? Here are your choices: 

1.) Guilty for allowing his pre-teen son stay with a strange grown man, who was a wealthy celebrity, by the way, and who may have molested said son?

2.) Guilty for allowing his pre-teen son stay with a strange grown man, who was a wealthy celebrity, by the way, and who may have molested said son--but maybe DIDN'T--but he accused him ANYWAY? And pocketed $20 million in the process?

At this point? I don't even know anymore. 



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