Saturday 21 November 2009

I'm hearing whispers of Anderson Cooper replacing Regis, y'all.

Pssst. It would make DivaJulia's dream come TRUE!!

Who's with me on this? The question should be, who isn't?? OhdearLAWD, I'd be in heaven if the rumor of Andy replacing ancient Regis Philbin and joining Kelly Ripa for their morning show! (I may have started the rumor...)

Listen, CNN ratings are down people. I know Andy likes to pretend he's Mr. Hard News (ahem), but we all know what a snippy gossip he is--the ratings would be off the charts if he would just follow his heart and team up with Kelly. This gig would be much better for little Mr. Delicate, who caught the swine-flu, along with the sexy Dr. Sanjay Gupta the second they arrived in Afghanistan recently.

I want to see a show of hands of those in favor of seeing Anderson Cooper replace Reege!

Now if we can only get Justin Timberlake to join SNL for even just one season! Online petition, anyone?


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