Thursday 29 October 2009

Today's Guest Review - MILEY CYRUS, Chicago 10/27/2009

 Rachel - waiting for Miley!

What a DOLLY!!

This is one the cutest things I've received here on Dipped in Cream. A beautiful little 5 year old girl named Rachel gave her mom Rebecca, her little review of the Miley Cyrus concert the other night in Chicago. 

These are ENTIRELY Rachel's words:

"I like Miley Cyrus songs.Mileys brother started the show, he was funny, I didnt really like his music though. I was so happy when Miley came on.I liked Mileys clothes.My favorite outfit was the dress she wore when she sang "Bottom of the ocean". My Daddy bought me a glowstick and I really like it.My favorite song that I danced to was " creepy little sneaky fly on the wall" (actual name of the song is "Fly on the wall") I liked her microphone, and i liked her hair.The cool thing happened when Miley was in the air on the motorcycle with strings. I have 2 more favorite songs that I like .. " Let's get crazy"& "Bottom of the ocean" i wish i could meet Miley. I want to go again to see her, I really miss her."

That. Is. PRECIOUS. Thank you so much, Rachel. I have an entirely different idea of Miley now that I see her through your eyes.

Honestly? Miley looks like she puts on a great show...and just seeing little Rachel's face made my heart swell. Please go to this YouTube site that Rachel's mom gave me. Dar-LING.

I  better watch my back. Rachel's set to take over my job.


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