Tuesday 27 October 2009

Rihanna's "Rated R" cd Cover

Rihanna's new cd, "Rated R" cover shot

Apparently this is the cover shot of RiRi's new cd...and not the rubber barbed wire around her boobies shot. Meh.

via MTV.com:

"...the grainy black-and-white cover shot that leaked Tuesday (October 27) finds the singer in a moody, contemplative pose reminiscent of outrageous 1980s avant-garde singer Grace Jones.

Wearing what looks like a leather top, Rihanna is depicted with her hand covering her right eye, with each finger wrapped in an intricate set of rings that hug two knuckles.

The image for the album, due November 23, was shot by fashion photographer Ellen von Unwerth, who said Rihanna is "so beautiful, sweet and tough at the same time — and a pleasure to shoot,"   

I think Rihanna should have called the cd "OW, Chris! My EYE!" and be done with it.

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