Monday 19 October 2009

Miley Cyrus in "Sex and the City 2" - Is it just me?

Kim Cattrall and Miley Cyrus
mugging for the new SATC2 movie

It's Monday, it's Miley, and that means I'm wearing my Judgey McJuderson robe. Babygirl is 16, if you need reminding. Then we have the over-50 Kim Cattrall (as Samantha). See, they were filming a scene where Miley and Samantha show up to an event (gasp!) wearing identical outfits.

Who (Patricia Fields, I'm talkin' ya!) thought it would be "cute" for Miley to wear a submissive  dog collar with spikes, a teeny sequined dress, long black gloves and boots? Somehow I doubt Taylor Swift would have done that, but again, she's not in a movie for dried up biddies who keep their fantasies of youth and beauty alive by living vicariously through these bitches.

I can't wait to see it!!! (Define irony.)

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