Friday 16 October 2009

Happy Birthday, John Mayer...Oh, brother.

 This picture is for you, Jen.

John Mayer turns a whopping 32 years old today. That's not the big news, though. Rumor has it that John and Jen Desper-Aniston are possibly back ON. OhgoodLord. WHEN will that woman learn?


It's not the first time Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer have reunited after a split, but the couple are simply "enjoying their friendship," says a source close to the singer. "They've been talking for a while – they're very friendly."

Adds another source, "They've remained close."

The duo recently spent a night together late last month at New York City's Bowery Hotel. "Jen was there on the arm of John and they were all very lovey," says an onlooker. "She was in casual clothing as was he, and she seemed very comfortable around his crowd of friends."

Are you making the same face I am? You know, one that looks like you've just taken a big whiff of feta cheese mixed with skunky weed? Yeah. That's what John and Jen smell like.


Oh. Happy Birthday, John. Be sure to break Jen's heart again.

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