Monday 26 October 2009

Today's Blind Item - Mr. Goody-Goody is a Bad Man Edition

"This busy guy must be really good at juggling. He is a very successful actor and has more than one high profile project in the works. And as if he wasn’t busy enough at work, he also has a wife, a mistress, and an ex-girlfriend, each of whom thinks they are number one in his heart.

It was actually pretty surprising for us to hear about the latter, because this actor comes across as the ultimate nice guy – the kind of guy who would never, ever cheat on his wife. He must be a really good actor. Perhaps his juggling skills aren’t quite as sharp as they could be, though, because his ex-girlfriend thinks she’s pregnant."

via (Blind Gossip)

OhgoodLord...I want to hear your guess on this one. Hurry.

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