Sunday 18 October 2009

You mean the whole Balloon Boy (aka Puke Boy) thing was a HOAX? GASP!

Puke Boy, Falcon Heene
Photo NBC

I bought it--hook, line and sinker, AND SO DID YOU. Don't even lie, y'all. But the very second that Falcon told Wolf Blitzer, " guys said we did this for this show", the jig was UP. I could hear a collective, "Awww, HELL NAAAW!" throughout the universe. In fact, Wolf led the choir.


"The "Aha!" moment (thank you, Oprah!) that led authorities to realize what had happened was an interview with the family Thursday night on CNN's "Larry King Live," Sheriff Jim Alderden of Larimer County said Sunday. In the interview with Wolf Blitzer, filling in for King, the Heenes asked their son why he had not come out from hiding when they called his name.

"You guys said we did this for the show," the boy responded.

On Sunday, Alderden called the incident a "hoax," adding that investigators believe the evidence indicates that "it was a publicity stunt" by the family in hopes of "better marketing themselves for a reality television show at some point in the future."

They are gonna put a bitch in jaaaaaail. Those parents are nutty!!

How long before we see t-shirts that say, "WE DID THIS FOR THE SHOW!"?

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