Tuesday 20 October 2009

Adam Lambert on cover of Details Magazine - Scandalous!


Adam Lambert is torturing those poor little girls (and moms) out there who think they may just be the One who will pull  him into their loving, girly arms. Not. Gonna. Happen. Check these pictures out from the latest Details Magazine. It's almost like getting to see Elvis getting nasty up in here. Glambert gossips about it all!

via Details Magazine:

"Adam says regarding kissing girls, "I am gay, but I like kissing women sometimes. Women are pretty. It doesn't mean I'm necessarily sleeping with them."

Regarding the art of entertainment, "It's all fantasy -- that's what entertainment is. I'm here to entertain you, and if my sexuality is apparent and you respond to it, and you're attracted to it, then great, I'm doing my job

Now, wait just a gosh darn minute!

Miss Adam also Tweeted yesterday: "Gaga wrote the song a while ago and she thought it would be a good fit for me. It's a solo track. I feel so honored and lucky to be asked" and then "GaGa just gets it, you know?" 

I'm sure I'll totally buy Adam's new cd titled, "For Your Entertainment," which drops November 23rd. Are you guys gonna get it?

Photo credit: Alexei Hay for Details

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