Wednesday 7 October 2009

Brad runs back to Jen? Oh, whatEVER.

" Brad there?"

Personally, I think this is a load of crap--but since when do I steer clear of CRAP? I know, right? So, yeah. The oh-so reputable (and I mean that in the sweetest way possible) Daily Mail is blabbing that Brad and Jen are having "secret meetings" again. Oh brother.

via The Daily Mail:

"Brad Pitt is said to have held a secret meeting with his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston during a recent trip to New York. The pair, who ended their five-year marriage in 2005, met up at a hotel in the city for an hour where Brad unloaded his emotional baggage, according to Grazia magazine.

The Hollywood star allegedly told Aniston about his relationship problems with Angelina Jolie, whom he hooked up with after walking out on the Friends actress. It comes amid reports that Brad and Jennifer are in regular phone contact and - if true - their latest encounter marks their second private meeting together in the Big Apple this year.

A source told Grazia that Jennifer agreed to visit Brad in his suite at the Essex House hotel, next to Central Park. 'She arrived at his hotel suite a matter of hours after they had spoken. Brad was unloading his emotional baggage on Jen, which isn't exactly fair considering their history.' But the source added: 'She was quick to tell him she wanted no part in his break-up with Angelina.' At first she was reported to be reluctant to meet with her former husband.

But the magazine alleges Brad got his mother Jane - who is famously still close to Jen - to persuade her to meet with him and give some advice. It comes amid claims that his four-year relationship with Angelina has hit the rocks."

Jen? Take ANOTHER good, hard look.

I totally call bullshit on this one...I think DesperAniston is calling this crap into the tabloids. Oh, that would really make me smile. Just the thought of it makes me giggle.


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