Tuesday 29 September 2009

Dipped in Cream's BITCHFACE CONTEST Photos!

Queen Bitchface

Work of Fine Art-Bitchface

 Mr. and Mrs. Bitchface

Angry Baby boy-"bratface"  (awwww)

Gorgeous Snooty European-Bitchface

Fellow (hilarious) blogger (who needs to
quit down-playing her good looks)-Bitchface

Lord, just wait another 10 years, if you
think this is bad-Bratface

Smoking, Pseudo Euro-Trash-Bitchface
Aww HELL NO-Bitchface

 Perfect lighting crew follows her around,
 icy blue eyes-Bitchface

Wow, you guys. These are awesome. Guess what?

You all win!!!

Email me with your address, and I'll let you know personally when your prize is being shipped.

I LOVE my Bitches!!

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