Friday 18 September 2009

How 'bout another Blind Item? Snippy McBitchweed Edition!


"This up and coming actress chills out in her trailer in between takes. She listens to some music, chats on her phone, and pops bag after bag of microwave popcorn. She doesn't actually eat the popcorn. Rather, she uses it to cover up the scent of another relaxing activity that involves herbal inhalation. If you'd like to join her, it's easy to discuss it in public, i.e. "Hey, do you have any microwave popcorn in your trailer?" Yes, sweetie, everyone on the set knows."

via [Blind Gossip]

Oh, for Gawd's sake. This one's so easy I can't stand it. OR her. Y'all know I don't care for this little snip. She has a terminal case of The Bitchface that is so bad, I may start calling her C U Next TuesdayFace pretty soon.

Not Paltrow. (But the name-calling fits.) 

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