Friday 25 September 2009

Recommended Movie of the Weekend - "The Hunger", with David Bowie

Bauhaus performing "Bela Lugosi's Dead" in the 
trailer for "The Hunger"

I was 22 when "The Hunger" was released. All I remember was the fuss everyone made over the love scene between Susan Sarandon and the luminous Catherine Deneuve. (My God, she's beautiful.) I never saw the film in the theatre; I wish that I had.

It's much more. David Bowie's performance is completely heartbreaking, and altogether too short. It's also a cool way to remember what we thought was sexy in the 80's--chiffon curtains blowing from an unknown wind, scenes seemingly shot through mini-blinds (a la` American Gigolo). 

Okay, maybe I'm the only one who has enjoyed taking the stroll down memory lane by watching The Hunger. The final scene with Catherine Deneuve is sort of lame, but just sit back and feel the darkness of the 80's.

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