Thursday 17 September 2009

Katherine Heigl's Darling Baby...

Katherine Heigl and daughter Naleigh
Y'all know Heigl isn't on my list of favorites, but her newly adopted Naleigh softened my snippiness toward her a bit. What a little dolly Naleigh is.  She's named after Heigl's mom and beautiful adopted sister, who is also of Korean descent. I gotta say, maybe Katherine's just a bitch to work with; I don't know.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Hunter will give me an Asian grandchild. Just hear me out! When he was a baby, people thought he was Asian, and he has always had a "thing" for Asian girls. All I know is, I want me a little Asian baby granddaughter. Hunter? Just wait a couple of years, mmkay? (I can hardly wait, though.)

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