Monday 14 September 2009

Trailer for Michael Jackson's "This is It" Film

I have to say this film looks pretty spectacular and interesting. Yes, it's yet another way for the Jackson family (excluding Janet, who has scruples) to mooch a bit more of a financial gain from Michael's death. 

Jermaine is beginning to irritate me just as much as Father Joe. Aside from wanting to bury Michael where he never wanted to be buried (Neverland Ranch), he's still trying to rustle up some performers for the now-delayed "tribute" concert for Michael. Dude? Let him rest in peace. I wonder if Jermaine was secretly pissed that Janet performed an awesome tribute last night during the MTV Video Music Awards. How about letting that performance be the "tribute"?

Yes, I'll most likely see "This is It"when it hits theatres next month. The scale and sound alone should be fantastic. I never saw Michael in concert, and I suppose this will be the closest thing to seeing him in person.

Will you go? 

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