Wednesday 30 September 2009

We interrupt this blog for Breaking News: Justin Timberlake MAY have dumped Jessica Biel for Rihanna


See how alarming this SPECIAL REPORT image is? I'm using the Justin Timberlake/Jessica Biel/Rihanna break-up and possible hook-up as an example of the news in Seattle this week.

Is there any real reason to interrupt "regularly scheduled programming" for THIS SPECIAL REPORT to advise us on...wait for it...

POSSIBLE RAIN IN SEATTLE?!? Oh, that's right, my dollies. I had to sit through our local weather man panting over the possibility of RAIN for the "drive home tonight". You have GOT to be kidding me.

I'll tell you where this little fit of rage originated. (I've been holding on to it  until today.) Just a few weeks ago we all re-lived September 11th by watching news footage of the horror of that day. So, I'm going about my business (I always have the TV on--CNN in this case), and they interrupt a story with the big scary announcement THIS. IS A SPECIAL. REPORT. 

"HOLY SHIT!! WHAT???? OHMYGOD, it's 9/11....WHAT???" was the voice in my head. (I hear her a lot...but she meant it this time.) "WHAT IS IT, MAN????"

Oh. It seems they "would like to bring you live coverage of President Obama's speech today on healthcare." 

Any. Other. DAY. I'd be fine with that, but never, EVER on 9/11. YOU GOT THAT, CNN?? Okay, I'm a little slow off the mark, I'll admit it. But I think you get my point.

So, yeah. Rihanna and Justin? Here's what I've heard:

 via Bossip:

"Apparently, Rihanna has been seen getting closer than close with Justin Timberlake, who she had a crush on years ago.  Justin is working with Rihanna on her next album has had major chemistry with Rihanna and even got a couple of lap dances from her in the studio according to a source.  The source says the two have been inseparable since the VMA’s where they got it in on the dance floor at a VMA after party:
“Rihanna and Justin have been talking and texting on the phone nonstop since the VMAs. She asked him on the phone, ‘Are you still with Jessica?’ And he hinted that things were cooling off between them.”
Justin was spotted going to Ri-Ri’s hotel room that night, which didn’t sit too well with Justin’s on again, off again girlfriend, Jessica Biel."

The moral of this story: Don't put up the SPECIAL REPORT graphic on 9/11 unless it's really serious; and don't interrupt me if it might rain IN SEATTLE--it's a GD given! 

(Now is the time we all sing, "you can stand under my um-ber-ella, ella, ella...)

That's what we call "full circle", my friends. 

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