Wednesday 23 September 2009

While we're on the subject of the Jolie-Pitt Family...

Zahara and Shiloh go to Toys R Us!!

Shiloh (I mean JOHN from Peter Pan)--and "Z" had a trip to the local Toulon, France Toys R Us with Mummy and Pax yesterday. No, I'm not posting picture of Angie, all dressed in black, because it's all about these two.

Shiloh, Chaz Bono (mean!) John and Zahara are hilarious. Z is living up to her Naomi Campbell comparison  by looking FEEEEEIRCE in that skirt and little top (and crankyface) and her little sister is being the imaginative dork (Z's word, not mine) that she is. She's still pulling the "My name is JOHN!!" silliness that I find adorable. She even has a sword, and it's probably real considering Mummy's fetish for knives.

I think I'd like to spend a day--wait, maybe a couple hours--okay, 30 minutes--in that household just to witness the chaos. 

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