Tuesday 22 September 2009

Remember the Blind Item that was SUPER-OBVIOUS?

 OhforpitySAKE, Lindsay.

Yeah. THIS one, which is from CDaN:

"This blind item is going to be phrased as a piece of advice. If you pay your drug dealer on time he won't break into your house and take your things. Just saying."

Could this be a big, fat REVEAL?? It seems several people who worked with Lindsay Lohan on Labor Pains, filmed last year, say they actually saw Nicholas Prugo hanging out on the set with her. Whaaaa?

"One person estimates she saw them together "at least 10 times."
Nicholas Prugo, 18, was arrested for cocaine possession in February. He was placed in a drug rehab program. He was also arrested last month for DUI. "

I still think that chick in the hoodie on the video of 
the um, "robbery", is Linds.

God, she's stupid.

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