Wednesday 23 September 2009

Today's Blind Item - "DURRR" Edition

"Don't believe the stories you hear about how happy her family is that she is marrying her boyfriend. Exactly the opposite. Yes, they are publicly supportive of the relationship. Privately, though, they are desperately scrambling to figure out a way to get through to her that she should wait.

Why is she so insistent on getting married so quickly? She is a very competitive girl, and actually has three reasons for running to the altar: Attention. Money. Baby."

via [Blind Gossip]

Oh, and by the way, here's a lame quote from our girl:

"Hi dolls. I'm thrilled to finally be able to tell you that the news is true... Lamar and I are getting married on Sunday!!! I couldn't be happier and I'm so excited that I can finally share the news with all of you.

Your well wishes have meant the world to me and I am truly so blessed to have such amazing fans, family and friends during this incredible time in my life.

I love you all!!! xoxo"

Any wagers on how long this will last? 

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