Saturday 19 September 2009

John Travolta to testify in extortion case following the tragic death of son, Jett.

John Travolta and wife Kelly Preston

Eight months after John Travolta's son Jett died in the Bahamas, the actor is expected to testify in a trial related to Jett's death. This is going to be such torture for that poor family.


"According to People magazine, Travola, 55, filed an extortion complaint against paramedic Tarino Lightbourn and a former Bahamian senator Pleasant Bridgewater after the men allegedly conspired to extort $25 million from Travolta. According to the actor's complaint, Lightbourn and Bridgewater asked for the money in exchange for one of Jett's medical documents.

According to the Bahamian police, the document was a "refusal to transport" form that John signed that day. Tarino was one of the medics that attempted to resuscitate Jett on January 2, 2009, after the 16-year-old suffered a seizure."

Can you even imagine the pain this family is still going through? John's wife, Kelly Preston was asked to speak at a women's conference on grief in Los Angeles, chaired by Maria Shriver next month. Initially, she agreed, but later backed out. Kelly was quoted as saying:

"It is with my sincere apologies that I must pull out from speaking at the conference. I am sorry, but I truly believed that I could do it. Otherwise I never would have said that I could. But I am still deeply in the process of healing, and it's just too soon."

There is just no way I could speak at a conference about grief so soon after losing a child. I understand that Maria Shriver just lost her mother, Eunice Shriver and her uncle, Ted Kennedy. In all honesty, they live very full and long lives. Losing a 16 year old child, however, is something John and Kelly will never get over.

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