Tuesday 1 September 2009

Today's Blind Item - OxyContin Edition

"It has been a big week for those Academy Award nominated/winning actresses and their drugs. In this week's adventure, this barely a B Academy Award nominee/winner (different from last week's druggie) was boarding a flight to Europe when she realized she had a handful of OxyContin in her purse but no prescription. Instead of throwing them away she decided to take the entire handful before proceeding through security. Then, she and her child and nanny all boarded the plane. Our actress stayed conscious for about 45 minutes which the nanny found remarkable."


This one's tough on all kinds of levels. First of all, it's sad. Secondly, we need to read the clues carefully in order to rule out EVERY actress in Hollywood.

1.) She was either nominated or won the Oscar (so she may not own the Golden Eunuch, but may have her nomination framed above the toilet.)

2.) She has one child. Where dad?

3.) Thank the Lord for the nanny. But did she blab this bit of gossip and may be in need of a new job elsewhere? Ooops.

4.) Names being tossed about are:

a. Michelle Williams
b. Nicole Kidman (she's A-list, though)
c. Salma Hayek
d. Kate Hudson

My 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Perkins would be proud of my outline abilities, except I'm sure she's dead.

Who do you guys think this is?

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