Wednesday 23 December 2009

Another Brittany Murphy post - Troubling movie posters; "Deadline" and "Abandoned"

 Posters being pulled
for Brittany's film, "Deadline"

The posters for Brittany Murphy's current straight-to-dvd film, Deadline, have been pulled from Redbox kiosks, out of respect for the actress's untimely death this past Sunday.

While I was researching this film, I came across news about Brittany's last film Abandoned and was completely shocked by her appearance. Tell me what you think.


 The poster for "Abandoned"

 Brittany in character in "Abandoned"

Angelina Jolie as Lisa in "Girl Interrupted",
which Brittany co-starred as Daisy.
Resemblance much?

Prior to her sudden and unexpected death, Brittany Murphy had just finished working on her final movie, "Abandoned", in June. In the film, Murphy plays a woman desperately trying to find her husband (played by Dean Cain), who has mysteriously disappeared from a hospital.

So the thing is, why does Brittany seem to be channeling Angelina Jolie as Lisa from Girl Interrupted--the film they both co-starred in, and Angie won the Oscar for? Am I just imagining things? 

I don't think so. My eyes popped out when I saw that photo of Brittany.  Thoughts?

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