Thursday 3 December 2009

Elin Woods is no "dumb blonde" - quite the opposite.

  Elin will buy her own ring, thanks.

Just how much money does Cheetah Tiger Woods have? More than you can even dream about...seems Elin is getting herself a post-nuptial agreement. Take a gander:

via The Daily Beast: 

"The lawyer familiar with the couple's negotiations told The Daily Beast that Tiger also has agreed to shorten the original prenup to seven years from the date of marriage, meaning it will vest in another two.

And the revised agreement provides for a staggered schedule of payments spread out over five years that could be worth upward of $75 million. So for Elin to collect $80 million, she'll need to stay with Tiger another seven years, be a dutiful wife in showing up with him at social events and in public as if they were still the perfect couple, and sign a nondisclosure form that will prevent her from ever telling her story. Even if she lasts only two more years, she'll still walk away with nearly twice what she was entitled to under the original prenup.

Tiger's advisers, who have successfully gotten the couple into counseling sessions, believe that keeping the marriage intact will help Tiger keep his corporate sponsors and bolster his dented image. Elin is herself considered a good asset. She's never been a publicity hound or used her marriage to make money through self-help books, lecture series, or QVC makeup and jewelry lines. Rather, she's just maintained a low profile and dedicated herself to being a spouse and mother.  As opposed to some other celebrities, like Tom Cruise or Angelina Jolie, Elin has never pushed her kids into the public eye. So, now, if she is persuaded to stay, she knows little will be the same. Her quiet life is finished.

A Los Angeles-based paparazzo told me that a photo of Elin and the children would fetch $250,000. Some agencies are offering $100,000 just for tips that pay off with photos."

Wow, Tiger will do anything to keep a squeaky-clean family image, won't he? Too bad it's forever tarnished.

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