Wednesday 16 December 2009

Elin Woods will file for divorce in California - Can you say, "HALF OF EVERYTHING"? And Tiger hit on Jessica Simpson, too??

Elin Woods with daughter Sam
(who is a little side-eye Diva!)

Oh you bet I'm lumping two stories into one, because Cheetah Tiger Woods and his philandering (such a nice word for "serial f^#king around") is getting worse each and every day. Elin is apparently going to file for divorce in California (where they have a home), due to the community property laws which may over-ride any stupid prenup she may have signed back in the day before she realized what a complete ho Tiger is. Elin DESERVES HALF OF EVERYTHING.


"The Mirror reports that Tiger Woods' wife Elin Nordegren may be seeing celebrity lawyer Sorrell Trope as soon as next week. According to the article, "Elin is believed to be planning to file for divorce in California -- where the couple have a home -- and not Florida, where they live." Filing for divorce in California would increase the chances that the couple's property would be split evenly between the two.

Nordegren was recently spotted without her wedding ring, and MSNBC's The Scoop quotes a source who says "she and Tiger are living separately now, but she'll be making this split very open and official right after Christmas."

Now STAR magazine is saying Tiger hit on Jessica Simpson. Oh dear Lord.


“Jessica said that she felt like Tony wasn’t paying attention to her, so she was like, ‘What the heck!’ ” says the source. “She decided to have fun with Tiger whether it bothered Tony or not.”
Jessica and Tony had been fighting and the lonely singer needed some attention so she decided to give the nice golfer a chance, according to Star. Jessica and Tiger exchanged phone numbers and email addresses. Who knows what might have happened between the two!?!" 

People Magazine is also reporting:

People is also now reporting that Woods' wife is planning to leave him. A source says, "She's made up her mind. There's nothing to think about: he's never going to change." 

Elin? You do what you hafta do on this, girl. Take care of those gorgeous babies and your self-respect, because I believe you are right: Tiger Woods will never change. 

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