Wednesday 16 December 2009

Courtney Love Trashes Frances Bean to Strangers on the Internet


Here's a little follow-up to the story earlier this week about Frances Bean Cobain wanting to get the EFF outta her mom's house and away from her...


"Courtney Love has lashed out at daughter Frances Bean Cobain after the 17-year-old girl was placed under temporary guardianship of her paternal grandmother and Kurt Cobain's sister. (No reason was given for the guardianship.)

"I hate to sound cold but any kid of mine who pulls this s**t has lost her position..." Love, 45, rants on her Facebook page. "She was deceptive, she lied and she's lying to herself... My daughter is not always honest."

Love also says her daughter isn't as rich as she thinks she is, adding that she is "clearly deluded" if she thinks she can buy her grandmother a "small house in L.A." Says Love, "I'd love to see how that works ... She thinks she has all this money. The point is, I have all the money she has."

Love insists her daughter "is a wonderful kid," but she has "bad people around her and wants it both ways."

She then names several of Kurt Cobain's family members. She even tells her daughter that her grandmother "killed your father," Kurt Cobain.

"You could've asked for emancipation..." Love tells her daughter. "You realize this will put you in juvenile family circus three times in your little life?"

Before signing off, Love tells her daughter, "I love you and always will unconditionally."

CLEARLY, Courtney needs to look up the word "UNCONDITIONALLY", because I don't think she knows the definition of the word.

To top off all of this nuttiness, just reported that a California judge has issued a restraining order against Courtney, which has ordered her to stay away from Frances. 

Wow. Merry Christmas, Court.

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