Monday 7 December 2009

David Beckham lends a hand in South Africa for UNICEF

 David Beckham, in
Cape Town, South Africa
on behalf of UNICEF
Look at that smile. And David is pretty cute, too.


"In the week of World AIDS Day (December 1, 2009), David Beckham visited a UNICEF-supported program in a clinic in Khayelitsha township in Cape Town, South Africa where he met and talked to pregnant young women and new mothers who are living with HIV.

The UNICEF supported "Mothers to Mothers" (M2M) program provides HIV-positive pregnant women and new mothers with vital education and support that helps to prevent them passing HIV to their unborn babies. It also gives them the knowledge they need to improve their own health and that of their babies.

Beckham was introduced to the work of the program by Dr. Mitch Besser, the founder of M2M, who told him about the ground breaking care and support that the clinic's patients are receiving. He met 25-year-old Tamara, an HIV-positive mother who received treatment at the center and now supports other young women in the same situation.

Tamara started her treatment at the clinic when she was five months pregnant, and thanks to the testing, counseling and medication she received her three-year-old son Sesiphi was born free from HIV."

I love stories like this. I really believe the Beckhams are genuine in the philanthropic work with children. Remember Victoria going to a very poor area of Kentucky with their eldest son, Brooklyn not too long ago?

Lovely. Just lovely. 

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