Friday 18 December 2009

Hey, Kate Moss? THIS doesn't look better than food tastes.

Kate? Your words are POISONOUS.

I've written ad nauseum about the fact that 18 months ago, I weighed under 100 lbs. I'm 5'7".  There were some (some?) issues I had to deal with and had to go to that GD clinic in San Diego so I wouldn't die.

So, here we have cocaine-enthusiast (just tellin' ya what I've heard and seen on YouTube), Kate Moss. I once had someone in my life who knew I struggled with my self-image and told me, "I don't think Kate Moss is too thin"; and when I took extremes to get thin, they said, "hey, whatever it takes!".  That kind of talk is pure motivational poison for someone who never feels thin enough. I think I may be finally getting past all that.


Just before the clinic...

 and just after Casa Palmera
with Alex at his wedding at 
98 lbs. soaking wet.

Dec. 19, 2009

I really do prefer how I look now. Sure, I bitch about certain bulges...but I'm actually coming around. I'd rather have some curves rather than saggy skin where the curves belong. That's huge for me to say.

I HATE the pressures women of all ages feel with regard to weight and what is acceptable in society. We're judged by family, friends, strangers, employers, sales people...The World, really. 

With people like Kate Moss spouting idiocy for pro-ana websites to worship (and also in the mainstream media!) I see no end in sight.

Sorry for the bummer post, man.'s not

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