Thursday 3 December 2009

Cody, the chocolate lab lost his job at the BP gas station. He BETTER get unemployment.

 Cody was just a hard-working little man.

"Sorry. Can't take anything larger than a $50 bill.
It's on our sign, dude."

It's always the hardest workin' dogs that get fired, isn't it?


"Cody, a chocolate Labrador, has for months greeted customers at the Clearwater BP gas station and convenience store at U.S. 19 and Nursery Road. A St. Petersburg Times story introduced thousands more to the jovial pup.

But Thursday morning, a state health inspector stopped by and issued a warning to Karim Mansour, the store's owner: Remove the dog or the Health Department would declare all of Mansour's food products — mostly bottled sodas, Slim Jims and candy bars — unfit for consumption."

First of all? Gas station food is crap. Always has been, always will be. It's not like Cody is actually loading up the hotdog cooker all by himself. Because secondly, have you SEEN the folks who work in most (NOT THIS ESTABLISHMENT!) gas station/food marts? 

I'd far rather see a clean little pup like Cody happily greeting me, rather than Travis and Amber (the best names I could come up with...) grunting at me for bothering them with my purchase, while they argue about whose  turn it is to clean the toilets. 

Oh. Not that I purchase gas station food. **COUGHcorndogsCOUGH**.

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