Tuesday 15 December 2009

Men's Wearhouse Party 2009 - Photo Overload, Y'all.

 My Sweetheart Stephen and me...

Dayna and me

 This is what happens when two
dorks get a-hold of the camera...
Photo by Patrick

Mr. Handsome
 I LOVE this picture of Dayna

 Patrick and "Blue Steel" Alex

Three hot bitches, yo

Deena, Julia and Mary

The Girl and her Boy

 Ummm...the other girl (Patrick)
and his dream Boy, Alex

 Good Lawd. Alex has the gayer face here.

...and the Oscar goes toooo
DAYNA! For not really being surprised!!

So it's TUESDAY at noon. I'm still tired from the big Men's Wearhouse party held at the Seattle Westin Hotel Ballroom...and I only had three gin and tonics. I'm SUCH a biddy. I think it must've been all the preparation that made me so tired. It takes a helluva lotta work to get that hair of mine all big and tossled, ya know. (Patrick kept calling me Penelope Cruz and speaking with a Colombian accent like she had in BLOW...HA!) And the make-up, the "undergarments" to suck in all the extra meat and high heels that I NEVER wear anymore just wore my fat ass OUT. Stephen, on the other hand, was just up and at 'em the next day. I cannot keep up with him.

I tell ya what. When a lot of companies (even the big ones) aren't even throwing holiday parties, The Men's Wearhouse continues to take care of their employees. Seriously, a huge dinner (prime rib, ham, pasta, gorgeous desserts--eggnog mousse, truffles, eclaires and more!) PLUS drinks, it's always THE. BEST. PARTY. After the awards were given out (which includes trips to Hawaii for outstanding employees) the dancing started. Sweaty times, y'all.

Alex (R) who now manages the Silverdale, WA store 
and his Assistant Manager (aka Assman) Tyler

I'm already looking forward to next year's party. I might be rested up by then.


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