Thursday 17 December 2009

Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" Trailer - I don't know if I'm feelin' it.

Now don't leap all over me. I love Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. I just sorta feel like I've seen this before...or maybe I've seen too many trailers and photos in anticipation of Alice in Wonderland?

I'd like to see Johnny play someone different...and by that I mean NORMAL. Seems like he's always playing the eccentric nutcase with a heart of gold. (Hunter S. Thompson, Jack Sparrow, Edward Scissorhands, the Peter Pan dude, for example.) Or maybe I'm just being crabby, because when do I ever rag on Johnny??

I want to see him in something like BLOW again...and we'll be able to soon enough when he starts with Angelina Jolie in The Tourist. I think my head--or undies--will explode over that poster alone.


What?? Like YOU didn't think the same thing?

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