Monday 21 December 2009

Today's Blind Item - Happy Holidays Edition! YAY!

via CDaN

"...this A list singer who is married to an A list movie actress was in a music store over the weekend and was looking at guitars and trying some of them out. Also in the store at the same time was a teenager who was looking at effects pedals. The specific one the kid was looking at cost about $500 which is pretty pricey for a pedal.

Anyway our singer and the teen talked for awhile and then the singer ended up buying a guitar for himself. While he was at the counter paying he told the cashier to also charge the effects pedal to his credit card and to tell the teen Merry Christmas."

Give me the:

#1 - A list singer
#2 - A list actress

At first I was thinking it was the One I Loathe's husband. After giving it some thought, I realized neither one of them would stoop to even speaking to the dirty masses. (HER words.)

I think it's a handsome, nice man who is married to a gal from his hometown...far and away. 

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