Wednesday 2 December 2009

Is it just a GIVEN that high-powered celebrities cheat?

Tiger Woods's wife, Elin

Got a minute?

Let's have little chat about high-powered (male?) celebrities and their proclivities to cheat on their spouses. Should it just be a given, an expectation, if you will, that high-profile, wealthy male celebrities (actors, athletes, politicians) will cheat on their wives? Obviously, Elin is a stunning woman, but are we to believe the nasty saying, "no matter how gorgeous she is, someone is sick of fucking her"? (Sorry for the language, y'all, but that's how it is. Gross, I know.)

What are your thoughts on this subject? 

My thoughts are that Tiger, much like Kobe, Michael Jordan, Jude Law and John Edwards, et al, live in such a vacuum and are so incredibly stupid to think they will never get caught. I think they truly believe they are above society and feel no need to follow the rules of marriage. It's all about the perfect appearance of a happy family.

We, the public, need to get a clue about these nasty rogues. Given the fact CNN airs commercials for married men who want someone on the side, it's almost as though we should all be cool with this behavior. I'm not cool with it; and I'm completely offended by theses commercials (whose website I will not mention).

Let's hear it. I wanna hear from men, as well.

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