Sunday 6 December 2009

Miley Cyrus doesn't stand a chance. Oh, and nice tattoo. **UPDATE**

 Hey, y'all!

Just Breathe???

Picture me doing The Disapproving Headshake. (It's patented by my son Alex, so I'll be sued tout suite.)

What. The. EFF? And why are Moneymaker Miley's hillbilly parents not being questioned (at least by Barbara Walters) about her GD behavior?  

I suppose in the grand scheme of things, the fact that Miley tried to get into a club the other night so she could Party in the USA (but was turned away!) and has a tattoo underneath her booby and dancing on a stripper pole isn't such a big deal...but it's just a matter of time before this little chick starts doing the really bad stuff. **COUGHLindsayCOUGH**

Tick tock; tick tock.

UPDATE: Seems Miley's tattoo is a tribute to a friend:

Miley Cyrus gets tattoo in memory of her best friend Vanessa who passed away from Cystic Fibrosis 3 years ago.
The phrase “Just Breathe” is the motto of the Cystic Fibrosis foundation.



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