Wednesday 2 December 2009

Today' Blind Item - The Actress I Completely LOATHE Edition!

"Which annoyingly boring movie actress/blogger took a runner by surprise when he poked his head round her trailer door to call her up for a scene? Her fiancee's (at the time, also a famous star) feet could be seen poking out from underneath her dress, obviously giving her a full MOT.

She looked up and calmly said 'Not now Carlo.' That then became the crews response to any request from anyone much to the bemusement of the vapid Oscar winner.'

via [HolyMoly]

At least this C U Next Tuesday had some blood flowing through her veins back in the day. There's no WAY you don't know who this bitch is. Seriously.

Dammit. I've got some goop in my eye. 

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